Monday, February 18, 2008

Off-Topic: More Marriages Like This, Please

Here's a touching story about a rare feat: a couple in White Bear Lake, Minnesota, celebrated their 83rd wedding anniversary!

Clarence, 101, and Mayme Vail, 99, celebrated their 83rd anniversary Sunday, possibly making them the longest married couple alive in the United States.

It comes as no surprise that God was a major force in holding these two together since the Coolidge administration:

Married in 1925, they almost didn't make it to their 25th anniversary. When Clarence became critically ill with tuberculosis in 1948, Mayme made a promise to God that if her husband survived, she would attend mass every day -- a promise she kept until last year when health issues forced them to move into an assisted-living center.

Bless them, O Lord, and grant them many blessed years! (And may He grant rich blessings to your marriage, too.)



Blogger Dn. Lucas said...

Interestingly, she was 16 when they were married--my, how the times have changed!

-Rdr. Lucas

5:24 AM  

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