A Happy Name Day in D.C.
Best wishes for a blessed name day to St. Gregory the Great Orthodox Church (AWRV) in Washington, D.C. Ad multos annos!
An Unofficial Blog Dedicated to the Western Rite within the Orthodox Church. (Unless otherwise noted, all writings on this website are my own, copyright 2006-2009 by Ben Johnson.)
posted by Ben Johnson at 11:26 AM
This blog in no way represents the views and opinions of the Antiochian Western Rite Vicariate, nor of any other church. It is the blog of a lone, pathetic, and sinful Orthodox Christian deeply appreciative of the Church's Western patrimony.
If you are interested in becoming part of the Western Rite, click here for a WRV Parish Directory. If there is not a Western Rite Orthodox parish in your area, and you'd like to change that, click here.
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