Sunday, June 25, 2006

ECUSA's New Anthem

COLUMBUS, OHIO--Unreported since the close of the Episcopal Church's convention last week is this fact: ECUSA (TEC) adopted an official hymn in the wake of its momentous change of 2,000 years of historic Christian faith and practice (sung to the tune of "The Church's One Foundation"):

The Anglican Communion
Is mightily distressed
When bishops of ECUSA
Their heresies expressed,
And in convention chose not
Repentance nor regret,
But chose to walk their own path
Firm in their own ways set.

Our church has no foundation,
And Christ is not her Lord.
She is our new creation
By our own mighty word.
The Bible's too oppressive
And morals leave us bored.
So who is our salvation?
It's our own selves - adored.

Thanks to a very holy monk who sent me this amusing item.


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