Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Another New Mission: Sts. Peter and Paul AWRV, Hot Springs, Arkansas

Fr. John (Denzil) of Sts. Peter and Paul Mission, Hot Springs, AR.

When it rains, the Holy Spirit pours!

I'm a little late in wishing a heartfelt Axios! to Fr. John (Denzil). Formerly of the Charismatic Episcopal Church, Fr. John was ordained priest of the newest Western Rite mission: Sts. Peter and Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church (Western Rite) of Hot Springs, Arkansas on June 24. (I've had my eye on the excellent blog, Journey to Orthodoxy, for some time, which is largely about this group's journey. Go to the blog for pictures.)

May God save us through Fr. John's prayers. May He bless their congregation through his service, and may He continue to lead many into the Ark of Salvation, our Holy Mother the Orthodox Church.



Blogger D. Benedict Andersen OSB said...

FYI: The new priest's name, when I first met him about a year ago, was Father Denny Roland. Denny, I gather, is a nickname for Denzil. As an Orthodox priest, he took the name John. So, his name is Father John Denzil Roland.

8:15 PM  
Blogger Ben Johnson said...

Yes, as the post I link to mentions. It goes on to call him "Fr. John Denzil" about four times, leading me to think this is what he prefers to go by. But I put "Denzil" in parentheses, just for clarification.

Thanks for droppin' by, my friend.

God bless,

1:17 AM  
Blogger VSO said...

AXIOS! They're using the St. Tikhon Mass I presume?

9:03 AM  
Blogger JTO Editor Nathan Lee Lewis said...

We lovingly called him "Father Denny" for years as he never demanded status or accolades. When he was ordained a Priest and took the name "John", it seems his person and purpose required that his former names, especially his nickname, be well hidden within the cloak of his calling in the Holy Orthodox Church. He is far deserving of much more respect than being called "Denny", though he is quick to point out that there is at least one saint of that name. I often heard his former fellow CEC-ite Priests and Bishop call him by his nickname, which I always thought somewhat inappropriate in the presence of one of his parishioners. "Father John Denzil" resonates as a sign that he is now abiding in the identity for which God has prepared him. It is for respect of God that a name is given and it is for the honor of God that that name is spoken. AXIOS Father John Denzil.

10:19 PM  

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