Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fr. Mark Wallace and Fr. Barry Thibodeaux's Ordination

More good news for the Western Rite: this weekend, it will have two new priests.

Both Mark Wallace of St. Andrew Orthodox Church in Oklahoma City and Barry Thibodeaux of Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in Jacksonville, Texas, left the Charismatic Episcopal Church and spent months without any word of eventual chrismation or ordination. Despite the uncertainty, their congregations held together. Today, I'm happy to pass along this note from (soon-to-be-Fr.) Mark Wallace:
The ordination schedule of former CEC priests, Barry Thibodeaux and Mark Wallace are as follows:

Saturday, Jan. 19 @ 9:00 am - Barry & Mark: Tonsured as Reader and ordained as Subdeacons. Barry will then be made a deacon.
Sunday, Jan. 20 @ 10:00 am - Dcn. Barry becomes Fr. Barry and Sbdn Mark becomes Dcn. Mark.
Monday, Jan. 21 @ 7:00 am (not pm) - Dcn. Mark becomes Fr. Mark.

These will take place at St. George Orthodox Cathedral in Wichita, Kansas. All are invited.
Thanks to him for the exciting news. Axios!

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St. Andrew WRV Chrismation, Oklahoma City

The clergy and faithful of St. Andrew Antiochian Orthodox Church (WRV), chrismated at St. Elijah Antiochian Church, Oklahoma City.

A hearty congratulations and "Many Years" to the (soon-to-be) clergy and faithful of St. Andrew Antiochian Orthodox Church of Oklahoma City, an incoming Western Rite parish formerly affiliated with the Charismatic Episcopal Church. All its members were chrismated this past weekend at St. Elijah Orthodox Church in OKC. We want to welcome them all into the Orthodox Church and wish them many happy and blessed years - ad multos annos!

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Audio: Orthodox Converts from the CEC

Those from the Charismatic Episcopal Church who are considering the Orthodox Church, especially the Western Rite, would enjoy this new(er) podcast, True Convergence. So far, they have already produced four episodes:

  1. Episode One, in which Fr. John Denzil Roland of Sts. Peter and Paul (Hot Springs, AR) and Fr. Patrick Cardine of St. Patrick Orthodox Church (Warrenton, VA) discuss their journey from the CEC into the Antiochian Orthodox Western Rite;
  2. Episode Two, in which soon-to-be Father Mark Wallace of St. Andrew Orthodox Church (Oklahoma City, OKC) discusses his journey from CEC into the Western Rite of Antioch. Frs. Cardine and Roland also discuss the history of the Convergence Movement;
  3. Episode Three, in which Frs. Roland and Cardine discuss the role of Charismatic Gifts in Orthodoxy; and
  4. Episode Four, featuring Bishop THOMAS and Fr. Peter Gillquist, in which the latter denies he told the CEC's Bishop Adler not to join the Orthodox Church. The growing entourage includes Frs. Roland and Cardine, Mark Wallace, and two catechumens from St. John the Theologian Church.

Keep your eyes peeled. (Ouch!) If they hold according to schedule, they should have a new episode out today.


Sunday, January 13, 2008

New Websites

A special thanks to Dn. Christopher Nerreau, who left a comment that the two new Western Rite churches in Massachusetts have new websites. Here are links to the new sites for St. Stephen's Orthodox Church and Emmanuel Orthodox Church. Thank you, Deacon!

I had previously added a link to some of Dn. Nerreau's sermons. He adds, "Some of the sermons posted on that sight have protestant leanings that reflect my journey home, please disregard them." Thank you for pointing this out. All "converts" had some missteps; responsible people admit them and take efforts to correct them. I still haven't had a chance to listen to any of the sermons at that link, but I can't wait!


Old "News" on New Western Rite Seekers

Not sure if I ever passed along this information, from Fr. John Denzil Roland. He writes in addition to the two churches in Massachusetts, there are other former Charismatic Episcopal Church members inquiring into the Western Rite:

Christ the Savior Orthodox Church - in Jacksonville, Texas - Pastor, Mr. Barry Thibodeaux (catechumens)

Lamb of God Orthodox Church (provisionally) - in New Orleans, LA - Pastor, Mr. Mark McNarry (serious inquirers)

And numerous individuals formerly CEC from around the country stand with you in your/our Journey!
Around 250-300+ souls altogether! Know that you are NOT alone!

Sorry if I didn't pass this on when he posted the November!...but good news is good news.
